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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Hello all! This week is winding down- thank goodness... the little girls had Vacation Bible School everyday this week- the church bus picks them up and brings them home- Madison babysits the rest of the day- we've had several ball games this week too- Victoria's are over- the people in the stands nick-named her White Lightning- because every time she hits that ball, she flies around the bases- no one can catch her- so the coaches tell her to JUST RUN!!! And boy does she!! So cute! It's amazing to us, because just a few months ago, she ran like an orangutan!! Not kidding! We thought she was going to be our little sports-challenged child... ;)- but she has proved us wrong. Sofie's last game is tonight- she has been recruited to be on a tournament team for the summer- she will get to play with the best of the best and travel all over!!! She is so excited!!! Maddie's last game was last night- it was THE MOST exciting game all season... it was against the only team that beat us (just once)- and we tied 1 to 1. Our girls made not 1 mistake!!! Maddie played 3rd base- she caught a grounder and then threw the ball to 1st so fast- "OUT!" My voice is so scratchy from all the yelling I was doing- I couldn't even sit in the stands, I was standing right next to the fence watching every move!!! Then Maddie hit an awesome grounder and made it to 2nd base... she was trying to steal home the next play, and she slid across home plate and everyone went NUTS!! The ump called her out, but her whole leg was across the plate before the catcher touched her with the ball- oh well, that's the way it goes... she has a giant road-rash on her little bottom this morning- ouchie... Mad & Sofie are going to softball camp next week; Victoria's kind of sad about not being old enough- so I really need to find something fun for her to do- anyone want to come hang with her, feel free!!! The week after next, Maddie has pole-vaulting camp in Ft. Worth- Mamu paid the fee for that one ( Thank You Mamu )!!! Couldn't ever do all of this without the help of grandparents- her PawPaw Chris paid for her cheercamp and she helped him around his home in return... (Thank you PawPaw). Mamu has house-painting plans for Mad when she has some free time... Anyway, the pole-vaulting camp is the most exciting for Mad because it's stay-away camp- she'll be there overnight Monday through Wednesday- and she doesn't know a sole there...she is only one of 3 middle-school girls going to the camp so far... Maybe July we can actually have some lazy summer days- hope so- I need a break!!! Blog stalkers- please keep in touch, and please learn how to leave me some comments on here- is anyone even reading this stuff- I never know?! Thank you Andrea for commenting- at least I know you are reading...

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

LOL! Yes honey...I do read all your posts faithfully!
WOW! I'm so impressed with your girls. They are just doing so amazing. Isn't Mamu's and Lulu's the best. LOL! They really do help us with our kiddo's. Lulu bought all of Luke's summer clothes. I just sigh and, we are so blessed Amy.
Hugs honey. MISS YOU!