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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Painting this weekend was sssooooo much fun. I DESPISE painting. But for my wife I will do anything. Very busy time for us. My cousin Blake came up to the house also. He lives in Royce City where all the cool people(like Amy's Dad, Lavelle and her brother MATT) live! Our intention was to go out to the deer lease Sat afternoon to do some work. Didn't work out that way. Time management was not one of our strong suits this weekend. We had a very good time nonetheless. While Bug and I were working on the kitchen(her mostly), Blake was outside working on his deer blind. This is his very first one to build or have. As a matter of fact, this will be his very first deer to harvest. He and I are so excited! Our friend Clay was generous enough to let us hunt on his 300 acres...for FREE!! Clay and I grew up together and are about as close as two people can be w/out being blood related. Then again there are blood relatives out there that don't get along like Clay, Blake and myself do. Clay owns&operates his own tire business so we(Blake & I)don't get to see him that much. We sure do miss him and thank him for everything he has allowed us to have in the way of a place to call our OWN deer lease. We, like our Dads before us, call it DEER CAMP! Clay has allowed us to carry on the legacy that our Dads left to us. We were taught so many life lessons in DEER CAMP with our Dads. Now Blake and I can pass it on to our boys...and girls if they desire. My girls will, I'm sure!
Anyway, a whole bunch of stuff was going on this weekend. Kinda made me stress a little. Mainly just because I am a pleaser. I want to see and try to make everyone around me happy and have a good time. It wears me slick!! I know I do it to myself but I just cant help it. Usually it works out but this weekend took me to the limit! I just wanted out and to let everyone fend for themselves. I even feel guilty for saying that. However, it all came together. Sun morning we took his blind out to the lease and it looked PERFECT!!! Blake did an AWESOME job on it. It was ALL him. I am so proud of that kid(35 yrs old!!).
Blake left to go back to his wonderful family(Dee-Dee, Colton,& Brooklyn!!)Sunday evening and we are all alone. My wife is still doing some touch-up painting. She is singing along with the Patsy Cline CD SSSOOOOO beautifully while she paints!! I sincerely wish she wouldn't stop. It tranquilizes me. I love to hear her voice...especially when she sings! She is so talented in everything she attempts! Now I know where the girls get it from. I truly love being in the company of ANGELS! I love you all!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pictures Mark took with his phone...

Mark sent these pics to me from his phone today... Sofie has helped him tear apart his 4-wheeler- she says "it's more fun than riding horses"... she asks him all the time if she can help him, and he lets her- he is so patient- Sofie is REALLY attached to him... and Victoria was in the kitchen and was blowing a kiss to Mark - so he told her to wait until he got his phone ready, and she blew him that kiss- she still likes to sleep with his shirt after he wears it all day- she's pretty partial to him too!!! Guess we all are- he just knows how to make a girl feel special...

Phase 2 begins...

What a chore- just taking all the STUFF out of the cabinets- and finding a place to store it all for the weekend... We are taking turns sanding the cabinets and doors- it's not hard- just time-consuming. We've been working on it for a couple hours, but we are taking a break now- and going to have a beer- or two- and watch Casablanca- neither of us has EVER seen it!!! We like to watch movies when the girls are at Brad's- plus it's too hot to be doing yard-work now anyway- our yard is dying... I'm just watering the shrubs and flowers now- our water bill is outrageous!!! I can't wait to see how the cabinets are going to look painted 'BUTTER'. I know the pictures aren't the greatest-but it's so easy to take pics with my phone and e-mail them to myself- that I don't want to bother with my camera much anymore... So the back splash is actually the gold/copper-color , with a mossy green throughout. I plan on being done painting the cabinets this weekend!!! That's m goal, anyway... wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kitchen remodel- Phase 1....

Okay- I love my new back splash!!! I DID THIS!!! It is a copper/verdigris finish that is made to look exactly like the old tin-tiles that used to go on ceilings. It's made by Armstrong, and comes in 24x18 in. panels, and you just cut it with these heavy-duty scissors, and glue it up with construction glue- and when the glue hardens, it feels like tin!!! Amazing- never needs painting, it's waterproof, and I think it's gorgeous!! My kitchen already feels so much more warm and cozy. Phase 2 is the cabinets. Mark has already started taking them down- all we are doing is sanding, painting, and giving the hardware a new paint-job!!! I'm leaving one of the upper doors off- so I can display my really pretty dishes. Phase 3 will be the counter tops- I have something very special in mind- can't wait!!! I am going to have a brand-new kitchen- and we are doing it so cheap- but it's going to look like a million bucks! ( I hope...) ~wink~wink~ Painting this weekend- if anyone wants to join in the fun!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

YES- I'm alive!!!

I know it's been way to long since I've blogged- but I always did it at work, on my break, and the hospital I.T. police have blocked it!!! I AM SO MAD!!! They shouldn't be able to do that- I should be able to do whatever I want on my 15-minute stupid break- right?! Anyway- every things great in our house- it's hot- the girls go to the pool alot while I'm at work. Maddie's been babysitting for me- can't wait until she can drive!!! Wait- yes I can... We've slowed down- been going to the lake ALOT!!! There is a dock we like to swim from and it's only about 7 minutes from our house- yay!!! Also been in our new music room alot lately- everyone is learning to play an instrument- or sing- I've been working on the drums- very good stress-relief. We print songs we like, and Mark learns them on his guitar- SO MUCH FUN!!! Madison & Tyler are naturals on the guitar- I'm looking at little maracas and shakers, and tambourines on eBay- gotta get the little girls involved too!!! Victoria is not shy at all- she'll get up and sing at the top of her lungs- in front of anyone- Sofie has only sang in front of Mark & I- hopefully she'll get over that- she has a beautiful voice. She'll sing at church- but she's in a group. Also- BIG project: we are going to remodel our kitchen (by ourselves) YIKES!!! I can't wait- we have 1970 Formica counter tops, and real wood paneling on the walls- PUKE color... I must post before/after pics of that mess!!! Also planning Mark's big b-day party coming up Sept. 6th!!! Every one's still in bed right now, I'm having my coffee- it's peaceful... probably only time I'll get to blog- Saturday mornings... OH- something else I started 2 wks ago- running/jogging- I get up and go at 5:30am- for about 30-45 minutes; Mon-Fri. - LOVE IT- our blue-heeler, Pepper, goes with- protects me from frogs, rabbits, and armadillos- I've always worked out, but I haven't run in a few yrs- I feel really good- fit- light- healthy!!! Had to get new shoes yesterday- my 10-yr-old tennies were killing my toes- I am so cheap- but I had to get some new shoes- Saucony - never heard of them, but the guy at the store says they're the best for the price- we'll see!!! Any who- I miss all my family that doesn't live here in Bowie!!! Hope y'all can all make it to the party!!! XOXOXOXOX