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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Victoria has been sick since early March- mostly just a bad cough at night- was diagnosed with pneumonia and it just never seemed to completely go away. So Monday morning I heard her WHEEZING!!!! I got her in to see the doctor, and she was started on breathing treatments, not any better 24 hrs late, so back to the doctor- got a chest x-ray- it was clear, so she started on steroids, diagnosed with asthma... We've been giving her treatments every 2-4 hrs (around the clock- I'm so tired), and today she got to go back to school- had to take nebulizer to class with her to take treatments as needed. She had this problem for a few months when she was about 2, and I thought we were done with it. She's a good sport about doing them- she has a cute little dinosaur mask, and I just put her in the big chair, turn the TV up as loud as it will go, and she sits there and takes it like a big girl. She's missed a couple of ball practices, but she is doing better.
Sofie has really embraced her new position as hind catcher!!!! She learned from the best (thanks Madison)! I love watching her play- she is so serious!!! She hit a grand-slam in a scrimmage the other day, too!!!
Puppies are doing so good- still supplementing their feedings with puppy formula. Little Crystal just isn't making very much milk and they are 3 weeks old today. Big enough to start lapping the milk out of a dish I think- I am going to try when I get home- will save on time feeding them with a med dropper!!!

Love you

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh girl! Poor thing. Luke has that same dino mask. I hope she's doing much better. I love your blog honey. I feel connected!
Big hugs--A