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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Need prayer please...

Hello there- my poor husband is ill- been home for 3 days now- the doctor thinks he got a bug from the lake- or food- not sure- we haven't gotten the blood test results yet- and the stool sample he was supposed to take back to have tested for parasites, hasn't made it into the little specimen cups yet. Mark says it's because you can't poop if you've been on a liquid diet, but I think he is just so grossed out by the thought of it- he can't go. So anyway, pray for him please- the bleeding has stopped anyway, and he only lasted about 30 hours on the liquid diet- doctor said a couple days- but anyway... he ate last night, and it made his stomach cramp... but, they don't, I'm leaving him home again to go to work, the house is a mess- makes me crazy... pray for half way down the road this morning to go run- saw lightning- ran back inside- bummed I can't run this morning... I am super afraid of lightning- terrifies me...

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