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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sofie Belle, my 7-yr-old!

Sofie Belle is 7, and she is in the 2nd grade. Sofie was born with severe hip-dysplasia and had to wear a full-body brace until she was 6-months old, ( I will have to find a picture of that). She had to have multiple fittings a month. We would drive an hour and a half one-way to get there. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to go through. I couldn't even cuddle my new-born. She could be out of it for 1 hr a day- and that was for bathing and washing the nasty harness!! We were worried she would never be able to run, or dance. But let me tell you- that Sofie Belle has the best cart-wheel and round-off you've ever seen! And she can run faster than anyone on her soft-ball team. Her Grandpa Ed would get tears in his eyes every time he got to see her run the bases. She wants to be a cheerleader, like her big sister, and I can already see that she has the moves. Her favorite thing to do is to get us to go outside and sit on the porch so she can perform for us!! She reads to her little sister, Victoria, and she loves to draw and color. She also still sucks her thumb, as one can guess by looking at her teeth! It's just so hard to make them quit. Maddie sucked hers until she was 7, so I wasn't worried about Sofie, but she's going on 8 and no signs of slowing. Sofie also is very involved in horseback riding and barrel racing. She's not as brazen as Victoria, but she can hold her own. Sofie loves to draw, color, and ride her bike! She just recently learned how without trianing wheels!! I taught her!!! Only took about 2 afternoons!!

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