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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

So much has happened...

Where do I start- first things first- our little chihuahua was carrying her first litter, and yesterday she was delivering them while I was at work. Mark called me almost histerical, saying that Sissi- our female Blue-Heeler, attacked Crystal as Mark & Paige were going into the pen to check on them!!! She has always been very territorial, and for some odd reason, Crystal went into Sissi's hose to have the pups- so Paige is tring to pry Crystal out of Sissi's mouth as she was shaking her like a toy. Four pups were already born, and Mark told me Crystal was dead and there was still a pup in her belly wiggling around and he didn't know WHAT TO DO!!! I'm sitting at my desk, with a patient, speechless, and just told him to do what he thought he should. I was devestated. My heart sank. We had been so excited, running out to see if she had had them yet, everyday when we would get home... So after I finished with my patient, I called him back and he was rushing to the vet- after we hung up he started CPR on Crystal and she came BACK!!! After about 10 MINUTES!!! Mark was so upset- I wasn't there to help- Paige was crying, and there was still a baby trying to get out... The vet put her on oxygen and gave her some steroid injections and oxytocin to start her contractions back- the vet called back later in the night, and she had to do a c-section and she got 2 more puppies out!!! They seemed fine. Crystal is still in shock, but she is trying her best to nurse them, and lick them- I brought her home this morning- she has major spinal cord damage and is almost completely paralyzed right now- we are hoping and praying the swelling will go down and she'll be okay- but rigt now she can't really move her front legs and her back ones are stiff , rigid, and just sticking straight out- it is one of the most pitiful things I have seen in a long time- I just feel so sorry for her- a first-time mom who can't even fully care for her pups. Pray for her please. On to happier subjects...
I got to go play with my new nephew, Cameren last night- what a beautiful, perfect, fat baby!!! His mommy is taking such good care of him, and he is totally attached to her!!! I am so in love with him. His big sister, Kodie loves him too!!! Aunt Terry is crazy about him, just like she is about Kodie- she kept wanting to take him jammies off so we could all see his rolie-polie legs!!
Madison is the 1st girl EVER to sign up for the pole-vault event in Bowie, Tx. She went to the District meet last week and placed 1st!!!! 7 feet!!!! Only one other girl in the whole district qualified against Mad!!! She so rox!!!! She placed 2nd overall in the Bowie rodeo last weekend, and Victoria placed in 2 of her events!!! Will have to post pics soon. Paige entered a Google art contest & is in the top 6 at her school right now. If she makes it to the national level, she will get to go to California for the final pick!!! She is a very talented artist. She also found out she scored the highest in her class in the national math test they had to take a few months past- and she doesn't even like math!! whew- I need a glass of wine today- don't ya think?! I love ya'll


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Andrea "The H family" said...

Hey girl, the above comment is spam. Delete it if you can.
NOw..your blog post.
OH MY LORD> Unbelievable. From the pups, to the mommy of the pups...truly unbelievable. Please let me know how she's doing. Can she still nurse? Poor girl.
Congrats to Jerri for the newest babe. Gorgeous babe.
Big hugs honey,