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Wed. Dec. 17th: Sofie's Girl Scout meeting was cancelled- I officially volunteered to be a 'helper' so they wouldn't have to cancel anymore when the leader is sick- my Dad is driving to Bowie today to attend Maddie's prayer group at her school- tonight is DateNight- YAY!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My heart is overflowing...

This Sunday morning, I'm sitting at the computer, while everyone is still in bed- except for Wyatt and Mark- they left at 6am to go fishing...and I am so full of love for my kids ...Yesterday I took them to Wichita Falls for some shopping, dinner, and a movie. Mark, Tyler and Chance stayed home; Wyatt, Sofie, and V are in the backseat, and Maddie and I in the front- Maddie never turned the radio on- instead she told me about the bible-study she and her friend Tori started at school. She asked a teacher, Mrs. Richie, that also goes to our church, if it would be okay to have a meeting in her classroom every Wednesday, during lunch. Last week about 13 kids came, and Maddie and Tori talked about the lesson they had learned the previous Sunday. The next Wednesday, about 28 kids showed up! I didn't even know about this until yesterday!!! I am in shock...Maddie told me how she's been praying for, and with so many kids, and telling them about Jesus. Maddie's boyfriend, Anthony, has really been encouraging her to share 'His Promise'. It's true- when peers encourage each other- it's just so much more powerful than an adult doing it. And Maddie told me she is so happy she has ME to talk to about all of this- I AM THE HAPPY ONE!!! I wasn't where she is, spiritually, until about age 25. I was bubbling over.

And!!!! Sofie was also saved last Sunday in her Sunday school class- she's 8 1/2 now; she cried afterwards during service. I asked her why she was crying . She said "I don't know..." I told her sometimes when we are being touched by God- it makes us cry because he is right there with us at that moment and we are overwhelmed with love and joy... she agreed- she wants to be baptized soon, and Maddie wants to do it with her.

Little Victoria, 6 1/2, also has such a sweet, tender, heart- during the movie, a little chihuahua was lost in the city, all alone, cold, and crying... I looked at Victoria and she had BIG tears falling down her face... she looked up at me and said 'that is sooooo sad'. I didn't cry over a movie until age 10- I remember vividly, being at E.T., and crying my eyes out- thinking to myself- wow, I'm crying over a movie?!
So, this weekend my heart is just full... I'm enjoying it- thanking God for all the wonderful blessings in my life.... the boys are here- we all love them so much, and really enjoy them being here- we'll be doing lots of cooking today- watching the Cowboys- enjoying the beautiful weather...and each other...

Much love to all of you reading this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh God's grace girl...all by God's grace that your children are saved. I am so utterly thankful to God to read this Amy. My prayer is that I too will have this experience with my children. I want them to 'know God'. You know? Not just His ways..but really and truly know His sweetness and mercy for them and have a personal relationship. My heart is edified and full reading your blog entry girl. God is doing an amazing work in our family line.
God says "I will pick you and your entire house hold up". That's biblical! He starts with one and they just keep being picked up around us. Pray for my brother David and many others as I will pray for your intimate family members close by. God is so loving and wonderful.
Love you very much,