When I got home Friday, my new puppy Chloe was not herself- very listless, and not eating. We brought her in and watched her, and by morning she was having bloody diarrhea , and looked very shrivled up/dehydrated- skin and bones- so I rushed her to the vet, and she tested positve for PARVO!!!! The vet said puppies that are vaccinated can still get parvo, I didn't know that. So we had to give boosters to all the other dogs, sterilize EVERYTHING and pray the she made it throught the weekend! She only had about a 40% chance; she had almost no white-blood cells left, her electrolytes were critically low, her temp was 96 (supposed to be 101). So the Dr. put her on iv fluids, antibiotics, and nutrition and told us not to get our hopes up- that it would take 3-4 days to know if she would pull through. Got updates throughout the weekend that she was doing about the same- and this morning the Dr. said when she went in to check on her, Chloe had pulled out her IV from bouncing all over the place- she was bright-eyed - she gobbled up the food they gave her and is drinking lots of gatorade!! So if she keeps the food down, and no more diarrhea- we can bring her home today!!! I am so happy!! She will have to stay in our room, away from the other dogs for 3 wks to build up her immunity. She's going to get very spoiled!
The other stressful part of my weekend was taking care of Mark- he had his wisdom teeth cut out and was in alot of pain- and one of the teeth was so far impacted that the dentist hit Mark's sinus cavity and now he thinks he has a sinus infection- plus he cannot blow his nose for 2 wks - so he has been in misery. So you can read- we need lots of prayers...
On a lighter note- the little girls had their Christmas program last night- it was so adorable!!! They sang and danced- too cute!! Sofie was in the choir, and Victoria was an angel in the Nativity. It was so sweet, I almost cried...If I knew how to post a video clip I would ;(